HI! WELCOME! I’ve been dreaming about this opportunity for years, and now I can finally launch it and make my dream become a reality. And it makes me so happy! Welcome friends, I’m so glad you’re here.
Who am I?

Ok, first. Who am I!? I’m Emilee!
Mom to my two precious girls, wife to the best husband and partner a girl could ask for.
I live on a little 5 acre beginner homestead with ‘goaties’, a pony, chickens, a dog, and some cats.
I love all things natural and holistic health, wellness, and just life in general.
I’m a believer and love the Lord, Jesus Christ.
I’m an oily, kinda ‘crunchy’ mama.
I’m a homemaker, and my greatest joy is found in my kitchen cooking and baking recipes from scratch that aren’t complicated, but are nourishing and delicious!
Some more about me
I’m a very energetic, driven person, who has always loved health. It’s been such a big part of my life for so long, I just want to share everything I’ve learned along the way! So that’s why I’m here on this blog. I feel like I need a better space to share! And I’m so excited about the opportunity this blog brings to do just that. As I said, I’ve been thinking and dreaming about this for a while. And it’s finally happening – yay!
Do the things I write about and this space on my blog make me a professional or a doctor or someone you should base your life on? NO! (But goodness, I hope you’re not doing that in general). I’m just a mama and a wife, and I have spent a lot of years researching to help us live a healthier life. I hope that by sharing on this blog the things I have learned, I will inspire your journey too!
I hope you’re encouraged and inspired in this space, simple as that!
I hope you’re inspired for your Health
I hope you’re inspired to pursue more natural, less toxic living for you and your family. I hope I can take away some of the stigmas, overwhelmedness, and fear surrounding that choice, and show you that it’s not complicated. You don’t have to be ‘crunchy’ or ‘hippie’ to want to pursue health for your family. And taking baby steps to start changing your life is so doable!
I hope you’re inspired as a Homemaker
My greatest joy has become serving my family by cooking more for them, having a garden, living simply, and living the life I KNOW God has called me to. And maybe I can inspire you to do the same.
I hope you see that cooking from scratch, living simply, homesteading, oils, teaching your kids the Bible, serving your community (and so much more), can be simple. Easy? Not always, no. Sometimes the best things in life come the hardest. But I’ve been learning that pushing through the hard ‘messy middles’, learning new skills, stepping out of my comfort zone, and pursuing the best life God has for me… is so worth it in the long run.
I hope you feel welcome and encouraged here
So if you’re ready, follow along as I share all things recipes from scratch, encouraging reads, oils and holistic health and wellness, healthy household recipes and tips, beginner homestead, animals, gardening, cute sunshine loving-dirt-between-their-toes babies, and who knows what else.
Have I mentioned I’m sooooo excited?
Let’s get started!