Meet Emilee
Hey there! Welcome to my space!
I’m Emilee, a stay-at-home mama with a passion to share with others and to create a whole and healthy lifestyle, simply. I am just a gal with one foot in the 21st century, and one foot in old fashioned, simple homestead life. If homemaking, hearty, healthy recipes, oils, holistic health, animals, and beginner homesteader life are your thing, you’re in the right place.
Want to know more about who I am?
Let me share some more about myself! I am a wife to my amazing (and incredibly hunky) husband and life partner Winston. Mama to the two most precious little treasures of mine – my daughters Addie, who is four years old, and Avery, who is two.
Winston and I currently live on a 5-acre property we bought in early 2021, and since then have been renovating the home and turning the property into our own little ‘homestead’. On our farm, we have chickens, goats, a horse, a pony, a corgi-poo dog, and two cats. And who knows what will join us in the future? Once you start buying animals, it’s hard to stop. If you know, you know. I love my animals and my little farm.
It was in 2020, when everything changed for so many people, that Winston and I realized we were not well enough prepared to provide for our family in unexpected seasons or to be more self-sustaining if the need arose. So now, a large part of our life is working towards intentionally creating a little family ‘homestead’ of-sorts.
I love intentionally building a pantry that I can rely upon more. Knowing I can collect my eggs every day from my semi-free-range chickens, and feed my family the best I can according to my abilities, feels so fulfilling.
I also have a newfound love for gardening and dirt between my toes. Growing and producing our own food so that we know the process from start to finish is hard work. But reaping the rewards of your labor is so soul-satisfying! We are just beginning this little homestead journey, with lots of dreams and years of learning ahead. Come along with us while I share a bit of our adventure!
For me, being a Modern Homestead Homemaker means embracing some of the old ways and living a more simple life. Baking my own bread. Growing a garden. Learning some skills that have been forgotten in this fast-paced world. Raising chickens, or our own meat. Becoming more self-sustainable. Slowing down and trying to truly live well in each season.
Some more facts about me.
I am a believer in Jesus Christ. I have already walked some valleys in my short lifetime, and the grace and goodness of God are what carried me through. He is everything to me.
Have I mentioned I love to cook and bake?! The fact that I even typed that out is somewhat ironic since there used to be an ongoing joke in my family that I would probably be the one bringing the ‘hot mess’ recipe to a gathering. I didn’t really have the desire to cook, and definitely not bake, for most of my young life.
In recent years, I’ve grown my skills, and it’s actually one of my favorite things to do now. It’s therapeutic for me. You will probably find me in the kitchen for a lot of the day in this season. From baking bread to changing a recipe to be a bit healthier and whole for my family (but still delicious). I will be sharing my cooking and baking to show that it can be simple, doable, hearty, healthy, and delicious.
I am the oldest of 9 kids. A strong empath and I feel for others so much on a daily basis. I have a heart, especially for Mamas. My passion is to serve Mamas, encourage them, and show that being a homemaker is not only a privilege we are afforded but can be made simple and enjoyable.
Health, wellness, and exercise have always been a huge part of who I am. I am a very active person, my family refers to me as the energizer-bunny. I’m a morning person. I love getting to bed early and rising before my family in the stillness of the morning with a warm cup of coffee.
A little backstory into why I began to pursue a healthier lifestyle for my family.
I love oils! I use them absolutely every day. Young Living is my business. I love less toxic living. I grew up on a horse farm in a very healthy, holistic-minded home. I was driven to be even more healthy, and pursue less toxic living when I started dating Winston. We began an exhausting health journey when he became very sick with Mono shortly after we began dating. He didn’t recover well and what followed was a 6+ year-long battle of being soooo sick that lasted years into our marriage.
At least every other month he would be home with chronic strep and just plain awful sicknesses. It was a HARD season, that’s all I will say. But, it drove me to research like crazy and try to figure out how to get our bodies as healthy as possible and eliminate the things that were affecting him. We were close to getting his tonsils removed at one point, but felt a check in our spirits to keep seeking out other options.
Finally, we landed on a naturopathic doctor and discovered that his body was essentially a hot mess (if you want more details on this story email me – I might share on my blog too at some point). Within a few months, she had him completely back to normal again. Healthy and thriving! And to this day he is one of the healthiest people in our little family.
Although the journey with Winston’s health was hard at times, it drove me to become more of an advocate for him and my family. It drove me to research, and dig deeper into what we were putting in, on, and around our bodies. I now work hard as the keeper of the home to be preventative instead of just reactive – especially when it comes to our health – working to feed our bodies with healing, whole food, supplements, and striving for healthy living.
This is just our story! Each person, each family, has a story uniquely theirs that has shaped them and continues to push them to greater things. I hope that by being here, and a part of our family’s lives, you can feel encouraged and inspired to pursue the best for yourself and your family. What a gift this life is! One I am so grateful for and never take for granted. Follow along as we continue on this journey.
‘Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.’ Psalm143:8
The Coblentz Family <3